DTC's Export Process Becomes Essential to Industrial Contractor
The Client
Willbros Canada provides engineering, construction and maintenance services to global markets in the oil and gas industry as well as electric and natural gas utility transmission and distribution.
The Challenge
Before becoming a Digital Time Capture customer, Willbros used a competing software solution to track timesheet data. That particular system charged a fee for every transaction entered. Due to Willbros’ large volume of transactions, the solution became extremely expensive to use. In the meantime, the solution could not handle large scale adjustment entries. It used cloud based technology and its servers, shared by all of their customers, were overwhelmed every time Willbros did an adjustment.
The Solution
Digital Time Capture does not charge fees per transaction. The servers used by Willbros are flexible and secure to handle the large amounts of data that Willbros produces and can handle any number of adjustments. Now having used Digital Time Capture, Willbros’ most loved DTC features are the formalized export process for Payroll, DSPs (Direct Service Providers), and LEMs (Labour, Equipment, Material). The LEM export process is especially critical for Willbros to ensure daily hours are approved as soon as possible. Once the daily hours are entered into DTC, they are exported to the owner so that they can review the LEMs the very day the data is entered.